Maven Download For Mac

In this tutorial, we will be going through the installation process of Maven.

  1. Maven 3.3 Download For Mac
  2. Apache Maven Download For Mac
  3. Maven 3.6.2 Download For Mac

The PGP signature can be verified using PGP or GPG. First download the KEYS as well as the asc signature file for the relevant distribution. Make sure you get these files from the main distribution site, rather than from a mirror. Then verify the signatures using. You@host:$ sudo port select -set maven maven3 selects that version of Maven; Installing by hand: Download Maven from its homepage; Follow the installation instructions: Extract the distribution archive, i.e.apache-maven-3.3.9-bin.tar.gz to the directory you wish to install Maven 3.3.9.

If you are a WINDOWS user (if you are not, scroll down to view how to install Maven if you are a Linux or Mac user):

Before proceeding with the next steps, make sure you have JDK installed on your system. If you don’t, you can view this article for a quick step-by-step guide. To view all the necessary minimum requirements for Maven, either click here or view the image below

Click here and download the latest version. You can either select the Binary version or the full version (a.k.a. with source and docs). I recommend downloading the Binary one as you can find all the source and docs online anyway.

Install Maven on Mac. Maven is the most widely used build and project dependency management tool for Java-based applications. We can install Maven on Mac OS using a package manager such as HomeBrew or through XCode Command Line Tools. But, in this tutorial, we will learn how to install Maven on Mac OS without using any other software. The Maven installation is essentially a set of JAR files, configuration files, and a Mac OS X shell script, namely mvn. The mvn command essentially runs this script. It first checks for JAVAHOME.This file is present in the bin folder of the Maven installation and, hence, it needs to be in PATH. If the shell script does not find JAVAHOME, it looks for Java in its PATH. Install Maven on Mac OS X. Step 1: Download Apache Maven from Choose one release of Maven to download. Here, I downloaded the Apache Maven 3.6.3 release. Step 2: Unzip the downloaded maven file in any directory using the unzip or tar command. Tar xzvf apache-maven-3.6.3-bin.tar.gz. Unzip

Select the Binary edition if you don’t want the source and docs included in it. When you click on the link, it should automatically start downloading the zip file. If it doesn’t refresh the page and try again.

After your download is complete, extract the archive to C and preferably, create a folder in C named Maven and extract the files into there.

After you have created the Maven folder, extract the files from the downloaded zip file into that folder.

Now we have to set up M2_HOME. Before being able to run Maven, we need to set it in the environment variables and add the “bin” to PATH.

Adding M2_HOME

  1. Right-click somewhere on This PC
    1. Select Properties
    2. On the right, select Advanced System Settings
    3. After that, click on “Environmental Variables…”
    4. Under “System variables” select New…
    5. When the input box opens, type M2_HOME as a variable name and the path to the maven
    6. Under System variables, select “Path” and click on Edit…
    7. Add the path “C:Mavenapache-maven-3.6.1bin”

Maven 2.2.1 Download

Verifying if the installation has been successful

How To Download Maven For Mac Os


To know if the installation has been successful for you, type this in the CMD:

If you get something like:

then you are good to go.



  1. Download apache-maven-3.6.1-bin.tar.gz binary (if you do not want the source and docs included).
  2. typecd /optin the terminal
  3. extract the apache-maven archive into the opt directory: sudo tar -xvzf ~/Downloads/apache-maven-3.6.0-bin.tar.gz
  4. Add as environment variable:M2_HOME='/opt/apache-maven-3.6.0' and append the bin directory to the Path variable:/opt/apache-maven-3.6.0/bin
  5. Update the mvn command:
    1. sudo update-alternatives --install '/usr/bin/mvn' 'mvn' '/opt/apache-maven-3.6.0/bin/mvn' 0
    2. sudo update-alternatives --set mvn /opt/apache-maven-3.6.0/bin/mvn
  6. Add bash completion to mvn:sudo wget --output-document /etc/bash_completion.d/mvn. This will allow you to complete Maven commands by hitting Tab a couple of times.
  7. Type mvn –version to verify if it works


  1. Open the terminal and go to the directory in which the files were extracted and login as Super User
  2. Remove the tar.gz archive by typing rm Downloads/apache-maven*bin.tar.gz
  3. Fix the permissions: chown -R root:wheel Downloads/apache-maven*
  4. Switch the maven contents: mv Downloads/apache-maven* /opt/apache-maven
  5. Archive the Admin session: exit
  6. Add Maven binaries to the path and then append:
    1. nano $HOME/.profile
    2. export PATH=$PATH:/opt/apache-maven/bin
  7. Ctrl + x to Save and Exit from nano
  8. To load the new set up execute bash
  9. To test if the installation has been successful, type mvn -version

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Installing Plugins

Plugins need installing into the local Maven repository before use.

Manual Download and Manual Install

After you have downloaded a plugin for Maven (from Maven-Plugins, or from a different source), you should look in your Maven installation and you will find $MAVEN_HOME/plugins/. You need to copy your plugin into that directory. If you then type maven -g you will get a list of all plugins and goals that Maven can find (note that you may need to remove your '.maven/cache' directory first, because Maven caches plugin information).

Manual Download and Automatic Install

Apache Maven 3.3.9 Download

Make Your Project Aware of the SourceForge Repository

You can set up your Maven installation to 'know about' the Maven-Plugins project. To do this you need to add to your maven.repo.remote property (can be set in for example).

Typically it will look like maven.repo.remote=,

Manual Download

You can then download and install plugins as follows

replacing ARTIFACTID, GROUPID, VERSION by the details from the plugin that you want to download. This will then download the plugin and install it in your local set-up. For example to download the findbugs plugin, use:

Automatic Download and Automatic Install

Automatic Download

Make your project aware of the SourceForge repository by following the instructions above.

Instead of manually downloading, you can add a dependency in the project.xml file so that anyone building your product will have the plugin automatically downloaded and installed.

Maven is a tool that is also available on Mac machine. The setup is almost similar to what we have to do on a Windows machine. Maven basics remain same across Windows and Mac machines. However the installation part differs. You can take a look at the tutorials here:

Maven 3.3 Download For Mac

How to Install Maven on Mac?

We will learn to set up Maven on Mac machines here and rest is the same on the two platforms. Just take a look at the basic tutorials

Prerequisite: Make sure you have Java installed on your Mac machine.

Step 1 - Download Maven binaries

First, we have to download to Maven binaries. To do so you have we will go to the page Maven download. The latest version of Maven is Maven 3.3.3. On the downloads page above click on the link apache-maven-3.3.3-bin.tar.gz link. Here is a small screenshot for you

[singlepic id=733 w= h= float=left]

Once you click on this link a .tar.gz file will be downloaded in the Downloads folder. Download folder icon can be found on the upper right corner of the Safari browser window. As shown in the image below.

Apache Maven Download For Mac

Step 2- Unzip the files

Now go to the Downloads folder and unzip the files thereby double-clicking on the downloaded file. In this tutorial, the .tag.gz file that we have got is apache-maven-3.3.3-bin-2.tar. Here is what you will get when you will unzip/double click the folder

Maven 3.6.2 Download For Mac

Step 3 - Set the Path variable

Like on a Windows system we have to set the path variable on a Mac machine too. Path variable will have to be updated to include the path on which you will copy all your Maven libraries. After unzipping the downloaded file just open the unzipped folder. You will find a few folders inside it. There will be a folder called bin, this folder will have a file called mvn. This is the file that is used to run Maven commands. We have to mention this file path in the Path variable of Mac system. Let's do this.

Open the terminal window on your Mac machine. You can find it using the Finder application by searching for the Terminal application. Once you have the terminal window up type in the following command to see all the environment variable

$ printenv

Now you have to find the path variable in the result of the printing command and see what all values we have in the path variable. To see only the path variable values we can type in command

$echo $PATH

Here you can see that there is no path related to your mvn files. Lets now update the path variable to point to Maven's bin folder.

Note: Before doing that copy the unzipped folders from step 2 to some permanent location. Use the bin path corresponding to the new maven location.

In my system the bin path of Maven folder is /Users/viren/Documents/AllBins/apache-maven-3.3.3/bin/. Just get your correct Maven's bin folder path, command to do that is

$ export PATH=$PATH:/Users/viren/Documents/AllBins/apache-maven-3.3.3/bin/

here we are saying that update the PATH variable with the existing value of path + the new value of Maven's bin folder. Pay attention that: is the path separator.

Hurray! We have set the path variable to now point to Maven's bin folder.

Step 4 - Check your Installation

This is simple all you have to do is run following command:

$ mvn -version

If this command works fine it will display the maven version and this is how it will look on terminal window.

Now we have successfully installed Maven on a Mac machine.

Issue: If your mvn -version command returns following exceptionjava.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/apache/maven/cli/MavenCli : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0you have to set the JAVA_HOME variable. This is because Maven looks for JAVA_HOME variable to find JAVA installation.

Fix: All you have to do is find the correct Java installation path on your system and set the JAVA_HOME path using following commandexport JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_79.jdk/Contents/Home/

and then run the mvn -version command again. This time you will see that Maven version is displayed on terminal window.