Download Nzb On Mac

Both SuperNZB and ezNZB run on OS X, and will download files from your ISP’s Usenet “newsgroup” server once you plug an NZB file into them. If your ISP doesn’t provide a Usenet server, you can sign-up with Easynews. Download SuperNZB if you are a power user. Download ezNZB if you are a newbie and need something that will take you.



Sep 27, 2018 NZB Leech is a very simple native usenet download client for android. Import nzb files into NZB Leech and download on the go! Supports repairing and extracting files. You need a paid newsgroup provider to use this app. Support up to 6 usenet servers with a mix of primary and backup/fill servers. After 7 day trial, you can only use 1 server. Jun 03, 2021 Android 5.0 and later, x86 (32 Bit), ARM (32 or 64 Bit). Use installer and frontend app to install the daemon automatically. See manual below for details.

The NZB Monkey is at the moment only available for Windows and Linux platform. For macOS user we are working hard on a solution to bring you the same experience like the other OSs.

Windows Platform

Please create a folder where you finally want to locate the NZB Monkey. Copy the contents of the downloaded ZIP archive (the nzbmonkey.exe) into this folder and start the nzbmonkey.exe (by double clicking it).

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If a error appears the system asking for MSVCR100.DLL please download the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) and install it.

After the first start is a configuration in the registry saved, which enables the monkey to catch all clicks on a NZBLNK™ link.

Important: Please do not move the EXE file after the first start. If you want to move the exe somewhere else on your computer please remove your CFG file (rename it or move it somewhere else) and start the monkey on its new location. The configuration in the registry is now updated. Copy your config back afterwards.

If everything went right there should be a nzbmonkey.cfg nearby the EXE file and it opened automatically with Notepad. Please continue reading with the configuration.

Linux platform

Please create a folder where you finally want to locate the NZB Monkey. Move the downloaded tar file into this folder and extract it with tar -xzf <tar filename> e.g. tar -xzf nzbmonkey_source_0.1.8.tar.gz.
Execute the config script ./, which enables the monkey to catch all clicks on a NZBLNK™ link and checks all dependencies.

Dependencies output example:

Resolve all dependencies before you continue.

Important: Please do not move the NZB Monkey files after this NZBLNK™ registration.
If you want to move them somewhere else on your computer, please execute the config script ./ on the new location to update the NZBLNK™ registration.

Now start NZB-Monkey ./ This creates a default configuration file nzbmonkey.cfg and opened it with the default editor.

Please continue reading with the configuration.


The configuration file (ending .cfg) is in the same folder like the main application. Open it with your favorite editor.

It contains so called 'sections' witch are marked by square brackets.

GENERAL section

The GENERAL section has only two options:

The first key here is target. It can have four values:

  • EXECUTE - The NZB is handled by a software registered to the filetype .NZB on same machine. Comparable by downloading the NZB file to the hard disk and executing (double clicking) it.

  • SABNZBD - The NZB is pushed to a SABnzbd on the same network or computer. Described here

  • NZBGET - The NZB is pushed to a NZBGet on the same network or computer. Described here

  • SYNOLOGYDLS - The NZB is pushed to a Synology Download Station on the same network or computer. Described here

    EXECUTE is the default.

The second one is categorize which switches the categorisation modes. Options are here:

  • off - The default. Does nothing.

  • auto - The monkey tries to guess the category by the tagname. More information about it here.

  • manual - Before sending the NZB file to your download target, the monkey 'asks' it for your categories. These will be shown and you have to choose one by pressing the corresponding number on you keyboard. This only works with NZBGet and SabNZBd.

EXECUTE section

Here is everything specified which belongs to the local handling of NZB files. This brings some handy options making the lives easier even without a downloading solution like NZBGet or SABnzbd.

  • passtofile enables the filename extension by an optional password in curly brackets {{password}}. It's a boolean value, which means it holds the word 'True' or 'False'. Default is True.

  • passtoclipboard enables the monkey to copy the optional password into your clipboard. Default is False.

  • nzbsavepath holds the path to the folder where your NZB files are stored to.

  • dontexecute if set to True, the monkey does not 'start' the NZB file after downloading. This is great for just downloading the NZBs. Default is True.

  • clean_up_enable makes sure that old NZBs are deleted from your download folder. Default is False.

  • clean_up_max_age sets the time in days how long the NZBs kept. Default is 2 days.

SABNZBD section

For SABnzbd users is the section

interesting. Here are all the parameters specific to SABnzbd set up:

  • host sets the hostname or IP of your SABnzbd
  • port sets the port. 8080 is default for HTTP and 9090 is default for HTTPS.
  • ssl enables SSL/TLS when set to True. Default is False.
  • nzbkey is the 'API Key' (was the NZB Key in the past!) from your SABnzbd configuration (General/ API Key)
  • basicauth_username and basicauth_password are used to do a basic authentication (fill out only if you need it)
  • basepath is the API endpoint. Change this only if needed.
  • category is one of the configured categories (Categories). Empty is default category. If category choosing is enabled, this will be overwritten.
  • addpaused can be set to True if every NZB should be added in pause state

NZBGET section

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For NZBGet users is the section

interesting. Here are all the parameters specific to NZBGet set up:

  • host sets the hostname or IP of your NZBGet
  • port sets the port. Default is 6789.
  • ssl enables SSL/TLS when set to True. Default is False.
  • user is the 'AddUsername' set in your NZBGet Security settings.
  • pass is the 'AddPassword' set in your NZBGet Security settings.
  • basepath is the API endpoint. Change this only if needed.
  • category is one of the configured categories in your NZBGet Categories settings. Empty is no category. If category choosing is enabled, this will be overwritten.
  • addpaused can be set to True if every NZB should be added in pause state


Owner of a Synology DiskStation Manager can use the Download Station. To configure it this section is used.

  • host sets the hostname or IP of your Synology
  • port sets the port. Default is 5000. For SSL its normally 5001
  • ssl enables SSL/TLS when set to True. Default is False.
  • user is the user on your DiskStation who has access to the Download Station software
  • pass is the corresponding password.
  • basepath is the API endpoint. Change this only if needed.

NZBCheck section

The NZBCheck section lets you configure the NZB verification mechanism.

  • skip_failed on True stops the processing on broken NZBs. This is great for new uploads. Some search engines hand out 'broken' NZBs. Default is True.
  • max_missing_segments_percent defines the threshold in percent where the monkey should stop accepting the NZB. Default is 2.0.
  • max_missing_files defines the threshold in total number of missing files where the monkey should stop accepting the NZB. Default is 1.
  • best_nzb set on True checks all search engines and chooses the best one. False stops after the first successful NZB. Default is True.
Download nzb on mac os

Searchengines section

In the Searchengines section are the order and the use of search engines configurable.

All keys are the corresponding search engines. A value of 0 means disabled. A value bigger than 0 means enabled. Bigger numbers mean a lower priority. A search engine with a 3 is checked after one with a 2. Default for all search engines is 1.


The CATEGORIZER section defines the 'searchterms' for a category guessing. It looks like this:

Download Nzb On Mac Download

There weird characters are Regular Expressions. Each value of this entries is tested against the current tagline. A positive finding stops the testing and the keyword (ex. 'series') is used as category.

Download Nzb On Mac Computer


Download Nzb Mac

After successful installation you can click a link like this and the NZB Monkey should open.